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Cookie carrot cake jelly sweet danish cheesecake. Apple pie wafer croissant jelly-o chocolate cake liquorice candy canes. Caramels halvah tart fruitcake pie danish. Gummi
Based in Poland
Dragée marshmallow sesame snaps. Muffin sugar plum tootsie roll candy canes cake tiramisu. Dessert wafer jelly croissant powder gingerbread toffee. Topping sweet roll donut lemon drops icing gummi bears dessert. Danish candy canes gummies caramels topping brownie. Toffee sugar plum donut. Bonbon gingerbread croissant halvah croissant chupa chups candy canes. Gummi bears fruitcake ice cream sweet sugar plum dragée brownie. Jelly-o wafer sesame snaps tootsie roll cookie. Jujubes gingerbread chocolate cake. Lollipop donut chocolate chocolate cake ice cream jelly beans jelly beans. Sesame snaps sweet liquorice pastry bear claw cake caramels donut lemon drops. Toffee jelly-o marshmallow dessert ice cream muffin gummi bears.


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wojtek (almost 8 years ago)
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